By Devan Mighton, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Tilbury Times Reporter
On Wednesday, April 2, many people around the world will observe World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD). April is also Autism Awareness Month, representing a spectrum disorder that the World Health Organization estimates afflicts one of every 100 children in the world and, according to the 2019 Canadian Health Survey, one of every 50 children in Canada.
The recorded prevalence of autism has increased dramatically in recent years due to improved screening tools, broader diagnostic criteria, and increased awareness, and it is very common. Males are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) four times more than females. Individuals with ASD present with a wide range of abilities and challenges, and there is no known cure. However, through applied behaviour analysis, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, people with autism can gain various skills and improve their quality of life outlook.
ASD affects the communication skills and behaviours of those with the disorder and can present challenges in how an individual deals with social interactions, communication, and sensory processing.
WAAD and Autism Awareness Month are important tools in raising awareness and understanding among the public about these disorders, how people and families are affected, and how you can help.
“The importance of Autism Awareness Day and Month cannot be understated,” said Autism Services Inc. executive director Jillian Fenech. “Increasing autism awareness paves the way for autism acceptance. In the last decade, we’ve seen a huge increase in the public’s awareness of autism spectrum disorders. The more people know about autism and how different people may show their autistic traits, the more we can normalize the concept of neurodiversity. The world needs all kinds of minds so when we improve people’s understanding of autism, we can celebrate these differences.”
Autism Services Inc. is located at 3640 Wells St. in West Windsor.
Fenech began working with autistic children in 2005, performing various roles, such as an interventionist, senior therapist, consultant, and clinical supervisor. After she had her first child in 2010, she began to notice “red flags” in her child and by 23 months of age, her beautiful daughter was diagnosed with autism. Since then, Fenech says that they have undergone speech therapy, intensive behavioral intervention, sensory integration, and social skills groups.
“At ASI, we are actually getting a head-start on the WAAD celebrations with a pasta dinner at the Moose Lodge on April 1st,” explains Fenech. “It is $10 per person for pasta, salad, and rolls and a whopping 80 per cent of the proceeds come right back to ASI to support our clients.” This year’s event will run from 4-7 pm, and they hope that it will carry on last year’s excellent turnout.
On April 2, Fenech will spend the morning with elementary school children, teaching them all about autism.
“While World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month is important to us, we don’t limit these presentations to just the month of April,” adds Fenech. “We offer these presentations all year round and tailor the material to your specific audience. So, a presentation to a JK/SK class is vastly different from the presentation at a secondary school. Autism Services Inc. wants to make sure that everyone who wants to learn about autism gets that information in a way that is meaningful for them.”
ASI holds a variety of events throughout the year to raise awareness.
“This year we will also host our second Family Fun Walk to raise autism awareness,” she says. “This awesome event will allow families to collect pledges to raise funds for the Bruce Awad Summer Program throughout the month of April. Then on Sunday, April 27, ASI and other community partners will join together to walk for our cause and participate in hands-on activities that our community partners are offering. This gives our clients and their families a meaningful opportunity to connect with others and learn about the services and supports available in Windsor-Essex. In addition to these activities, we will join in with other community services providers and charities in their celebrations of the autism spectrum.”
They invite everyone to participate in the walk, regardless of whether you collected pledges or put together a team for the event. Also, you do not have to have a loved one who is autistic to participate. If you want help, you are welcome to volunteer. “We can always use a smiling face and an extra set of hands when we’re having a fundraiser,” explains Fenech.
ASI also offers customizable presentations to the public, whether you have a soccer team with an autistic child on it, or you’re a grandparent in a retirement community, they will build their presentation to meet your needs and will offer a Q&A session afterwards.
“Autism Services Inc. has been offering an amazing program for over 40 years,” she states. “The Bruce Awad Summer Program is an awesome six-week program that runs in July and August. We offer a high ratio of staff to students and have days that are jam-packed with fun. Our long-running partnership with the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board allows us to offer this program in an elementary school setting both in the city and in Essex. In the mornings, we try to help these students maintain the skills they’ve built over the school year through classroom activities individualized to the students’ needs. Then, afternoons are the same things you would expect to see any kid doing in the summer: trips to the park, playing and learning outdoors, and swimming three times a week – our students ride a school bus to a community pool to swim for an hour.
“As you can imagine, the Bruce Awad Summer Program is expensive to run. Between the high ratio of staff and the activities planned, we could always use financial support. While we receive funding through the Ministry of Child, Community, and Social Services, we rely heavily on alternate sources of support such as grants, donations, and fundraising efforts. In addition, volunteering your time, offering your talents or services, or in-kind donations are greatly appreciated. To make it easier for people to contribute, we post a “Wish List” of supplies that are vital to keeping our clients happy, relaxed, and engaged.”
ASI is making inroads in our community to promote neurodiversity and create understanding in the general public about ASD and the needs of autistic people.
“The more we embrace and seek to understand neurodiversity, the closer we get to meaningful inclusion and sense of belonging,” says Fenech. “There is a great quote by Liz Fosslien that sums it up perfectly: ‘Diversity is having a seat at the table. Inclusion is having a voice. And belonging is having that voice be heard.’
“As the parent of an autistic teen, this is the truest sentiment. I don’t want people to include my daughter because it ‘checks a box’ or ‘looks good’. I want people to include her for the richness and value her perspective will bring.”
For more information on Autism Services Inc., please visit their website at www.AutismServicesInc.com.