By: Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Essex Free Press
On behalf of the Town of Essex, Deputy Mayor Rob Shepley and Councillor Rodney Hammond attended the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference, which took place in Ottawa.
They shared details with the rest of Council at the September 16 meeting.
“The 125th AMO Conference was highly informative and provided numerous opportunities to advance our community’s interest and build stronger relationships with our partners in governments and officials,” Shepley said.
During the Conference, Premier Doug Ford made many announcements, Shepley relayed.
One regarded the creation of an online development tool. This is expected to benefit local and international investors in allowing municipalities to upload detailed information about available commercial and industrial properties.
In addition, Ford announced $200M to help municipalities build and renew sports and recreation facilities. Applications are now open. Essex voted later in this meeting to make an application, hoping to secure funding for the future Essex Centre Sports Fields.
Other discussion he sat in included development and wellbeing of communities, on creating age-friendly communities in enhancing the quality of life for seniors, and diversifying municipal leadership with an emphasis on the need for mentorship and succession planning.
That discussion included the barriers young candidates face when entering politics.
Hammond spoke of how he sat in on a session that focused on urban development and the impact that it has on the local workforce. Another discussed affordable housing innovations.
He learned that once someone enters homelessness, the opportunity to get back out is rare.
Hammond hopes the Town’s newly formed Affordable Housing Task Force will be able to ward off any issues regarding homelessness.
A working lunch he was a part of discussed how the Hydro One system will support the anticipated growth in the coming years.