Essex County authorizes construction of Quarry tunnel under County Road 9

By Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Essex Free Press

Essex County Council authorized the construction of an access culvert – or tunnel – under County Road 9 during its October 18 meeting.

Walker Aggregates Inc. owns and operates a quarry located on land abutting County Road 9 in Amherstburg.

The Quarry is currently active on the western-side of County Road 9, but will become active on the eastern-side of County Road 9 as well, information in the Report to County Council notes.

In her Report to County Council, Karyn Templin, Manager of Design and Construction, highlights that given the operations of the Quarry on both sides of County Road 9 – in addition to the need to constantly move vehicles, equipment, product, etc. across the street – Walker Aggregates has approached the County about constructing the tunnel under County Road 9.

The Quarry, at its own expense, will install a detour road to limit impact on County Road 9 users while the project is being completed.

Once the detour road is constructed, but prior to its opening, a further report will come to County Council, so the necessary By-Law can be adopted to assume that road as part of the highway for a temporary period during construction, David Sundin, County Solicitor, explained. It would then be closed and returned to the Quarry.

The tunnel has been extensively engineered, and calls for a precast concrete arch culvert section supported on cast in place pedestal walls, the Report to County Council adds.

The County’s review of the proposed design has not resulted in any safety concerns being raised.

County Council also authorized the Warden and the Clerk to execute a Road User and Easement Agreement permitting the construction of the project.

Walker Aggregates has agreed to enter into a Road User and Easement Agreement that will address the company to pay for all construction, insurance, and maintenance costs, and an annual fee for the use of the County’s road allowance. The Agreement will also provide for indemnification for the County and shall be registered on title to be assumed by any future owner of the Quarry.

Sundin added the Quarry would also assume all liability for the tunnel and eventual closure and disposal of the tunnel, when it is no longer required.

He said there are no foreseen financial implications to the County.