Essex commits to exploring ways to combat phragmites

By Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Essex Free Press

Knowing invasive phragmites is an aggressive plant species that has significantly impacted ecosystems in Essex County, Council for the Town of Essex will reach out to the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) to obtain the necessary contacts and information regarding participation in the phragmites biological control program.

Administration will report back to the Council with updates on communications with ERCA and other agencies, as well as the next steps required for participation in the biocontrol initiative.

Council also solidified its commitment to exploring all available measures to combat its spread. That could include herbicide use, mechanical removal, and potential integration of the moth biocontrol program to ensure long-term ecological protection in the region.

The Mayor, or designated municipal officials, were authorized to draft and send letters expressing the Town’s interest in collaborating with ERCA and other relevant agencies – such as Ducks Unlimited Canada and the University of Toronto – to include Essex in future biocontrol release sites.

Councillor Jason Matyi presented this as a Notice of Motion at the September 16 Council meeting. It was discussed at the October 7 meeting.

Matyi noted the phragmites biological control program has been going on since 2019. There are over 50 sites in Ontario. To his knowledge it is going well.

The only way to get into the program or be a test site is by going through the University, Matyi said.

“I wanted to make sure Essex puts its hand up first to get in on this,” he said.

Councillor Kim Verbeek was happy to see this brought forward, noting it has come up many times over the years.